
Sunday, September 27, 2009

7Cs From Luke 5:1-11

Hi guys. This is the notes on the 7Cs sharing done by Bernard last week. Hope it reminds all of us of our calling and vocation - Ash

1. CALLING (Lk. 5:3)
- Jesus called Simon Peter
- He wanted to us his boat to preach

Reflection: Jesus called us many times, only we do not respond to his call. What is Jesus plan / purpose for us?

2. CHALLENGE (Lk. 5:4)
- Jesus challenges Simon Peter to go out again after he came back with nothing.
- Will Simon accepts Jesus' challenge?

Reflection: Jesus won't stop challenging us. He will keep askinga nd challenging us. Are we capable or ready to take up his challenges?

3. CHOICE (Lk. 5:5)
- Simon has a choice to follow his instructions.
- Situation: Jesus is a carpenter. He knows "nothing" about fishing. Simon might be embarassed if he was fooled by Jesus. The crowd will laugh at him. Additionally, Simon was a bad-tempered person.

Reflection: He gives us choices. Whichever choices we make, he will never abandon us.

- Miracle shown.
- The caught a huge amount of fish until their boat is filled.

Reflection: Jesus will provide what we ask for. We also experience miracles in our lives.

5. CRISIS (Lk. 5:7)
- The boat was filled quickly and getting heavier
- Simon was afraid the boat may sink.
- Simon beg Jesus to leave him.

Reflection: We may encounter crisis / storm in our lives. During this stage, some of us might give up easily. But how many of us will still continue and believe in him?

6. COMFORT (Lk. 5:10)
- Jesus said, "Do not be afraid"
- Jesus gave comfort to Simon and brought them safely back to the shore.

Reflection: Jesus calms the storm in our lives. He will tell us not to worry as he will provide comfort to us.

7. COMMITMENT (Lk.5:11)
- Simon left everything behind and followed Jesus
- It was hard for him, because he has to leave his family, wife, work, etc. behind.
- Then, Jesus called him Peter, which means the 'rock'
- His brother Andrew also followed him.

Reflection: At this stage, many of us are afraid to make a commitment to God. Peter has committed himself to follow Jesus to the end.

Other examples of people making choices in the bible.

i. Moses (Book of Exodus)
Moses was called to release the Hebrew slaves and to bring them to the Promised Land.

ii. Samuel (Book of Samuel)
God asked him to tell Eli what God wants him to do.

iii. Matthew
He was a tax collector and a rich man. Many people hated him and yet, Jesus called Matthew to follow him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the 7Cs indeed..so hard to memorize the order hehee